Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Edward S. "Ned" Jordan

American Entrepreneur, Automotive Industrialist and Pioneer in evocative advertising copy, which he wrote and used to advertise the automobiles produced by his Jordan Motor Car Company of Cleveland, Ohio

"Men in general are too material and do not make enough human contacts. If we search for the fundamentals which actually motivate us, we will find that they come under four headings: love, money, adventure and religion. It is to some of them that we always owe that big urge which pushes us onward. Men who crush these impulses and settle down to everyday routine are bound to sink into mediocrity. No man is a complete unity of himself; he needs the contact, the stimulus and the driving power which is generated by his contact with other men, their ideas and constantly changing scenes."

"Cars are too dull and drab. Peo­ple dress smartly, so why should they drive pro­saic look­ing auto­mo­biles? I think peo­ple are grow­ing sick and tired of ordi­nary cars. Great careen­ing arks of bulk and extrav­a­gance. The world is too full of the commonplace."